Modding in Godot 4

53 min read
Spring grid reacting to a directional force

Modding in Godot

The Godot Documentation will tell you about ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack() if you search for mod support. This is the foundation any mod system is build upon. But on it’s own it will not take you very far. Early you will discover pain points like “how do modders create there mods”, “how do they export them for distribution” and so on. That’s why we started building a package for any game dev or modder to make this process as painless as possible because we love modding and removing friction is the best way to enable as many people as possible to have part in it :)

Modding in Godot 3

The GodotModding Project started with the release of Dome Kepper and Brotato at the end of 2022 beginning of 2023. For reference Godot 4 released in March 2023. From this 2 communities a small team formed to build a system that would allow to load multiple mods with as much compatibility as possible. Previously mods in Brotato simple distributed the full .pck of the game to players. That had the charm that the modder could simple go ham in the edtior and export the changes as if it was there own game. But I think it’s pretty clear where all the issues are with that solution. Dome Keepers had a more sensible approach, probably because the .pck size of the base game is 10x the size of brotatos. The early Dome Keeper mod loader loaded .pck files that included full game scripts that got replaced, limiting the compatibility with other mods greatly.

Outside of the FOV of these two communities a smart dev did the hard brain work for us. They solved most of the mentioned pain points with a bit of a mindbender and something the GDScript devs themselves haven’t intended. In the ΔV: Rings of Saturn community Vladimir Panteleev developed the first Godot Modloader with take_over_path() as the second central peace in the modding puzzle. They go into great detail on how this works in this Blogpost.

So fast forward a couple of months and we released the first version of the Godot GDScript Mod Loader and it got integrated into Dome Keeper and Brotato.

Modding in Godot 4

Now with the release of Godot 4 and later the port of Dome Kepper to the new Engine version the interest in porting the Mod Loader to the new version grew. After all the chores of converting a project we hit a major road block. One of the pillars of our Godot 3 modding solution was ripped out. take_over_path() and script files no longer worked nicely together, at least if the scripts starts with a class_name . That put a hold on the porting process for quiet some time. We got in touch with the GDScript team to discuss potential solutions and after that decided to wait for an engine level fix in Godot 4.3.

pablo escobar waiting

Modding in Godot 4.3? 👀

Godot 4.3 released in August 2024 aaand there is no fix for the take_over_path() issue. Faced with that reality we decided to start working on alternative solutions.

Brute force

At the end of the day mods need a way to execute there code at some point the vanilla game does something, for example calls a function. Now there are a couple of possible ways to allow that, especially if the creator of the vanilla script decides to support modding. One of them is to add a call to a potential function stored somewhere else, ideally at the beginning and the end of the vanilla function. With that we can basically restore the Godot 3 pattern of extending a script and overriding a function:

# Godot 3 Code
extends ""

func some_vanilla_func() -> void:
	[fancy mod code goes here]

In Godot 4 we got first class functions and Callables with that we build something like this:

Hook System diagram

That covers the basic need for “mods need a way to execute there code at some point the vanilla game does something”.

But most devs are not interested in writing something like:

if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 2777692791)

at the beginning and end of each function. Clearly some automation had be done.

Export Plugin

Export plugins exist. They can be used to modify the export process to quote the docs here:

EditorExportPlugins are automatically invoked whenever the user exports the project. Their most common use is to determine what files are being included in the exported project.

So ez just write a little export plugin that adds a hook to each function.

Luckily there is an example from dalexeev on how we can process scripts in an export plugin (for some reason that is not as intuitive as one might think, because _customize_resource() does nothing for scripts).

After a couple of days of tinkering we had something that was able to process all scripts in a project to add the necessary code. I explain how that process works in more detail later.

Before processing
extends LevelBase

@onready var game_times: Node3D = %GameTimes

func _ready() -> void:
	Global.current_arena_index = level_data.level_id


func _on_portal_hit_detected(destination: LevelData) -> void:
	Global.player.is_input_disabled = true
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout

func _on_game_won(first: bool) -> void:
	%PortalNewGame.deactivated = false
	if first and not Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_level_timer:
		Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_level_timer = true
	if first and not Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_overall_timer:
		Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_overall_timer = true

	game_times.get_child(-1).text = "%s | %s" % [game_times.get_child(-1).text, Global.score]

func add_time(time: int) -> void:
	var new_label :=
	new_label.text = Global.hud.format_stopwatch(time)
	new_label.font_size = 900
	new_label.translate(Vector3(0, 4 * game_times.get_child_count(), -(4 * game_times.get_child_count())))

func update_time(time: int) -> void:
	game_times.get_child(-1).text = Global.hud.format_stopwatch(time)

func activate_camera() -> void:
	Global.time_game = Global.time_engine

func _on_player_camera_tween_completed() -> void:
	if Global.current_arena_index == 0:
		%PortalNewGame.deactivated = true
		Global.time_game_start = Global.time_engine
		level_data.level_time = 0
After processing
extends LevelBase

@onready var game_times: Node3D = %GameTimes

func vanilla_2924080498__ready() -> void:
	Global.current_arena_index = level_data.level_id


func vanilla_2924080498__on_portal_hit_detected(destination: LevelData) -> void:
	Global.player.is_input_disabled = true
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout

func vanilla_2924080498__on_game_won(first: bool) -> void:
	%PortalNewGame.deactivated = false
	if first and not Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_level_timer:
		Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_level_timer = true
	if first and not Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_overall_timer:
		Global.settings.gameplay_ui_show_overall_timer = true

	game_times.get_child(-1).text = "%s | %s" % [game_times.get_child(-1).text, Global.score]

func vanilla_2924080498_add_time(time: int) -> void:
	var new_label :=
	new_label.text = Global.hud.format_stopwatch(time)
	new_label.font_size = 900
	new_label.translate(Vector3(0, 4 * game_times.get_child_count(), -(4 * game_times.get_child_count())))

func vanilla_2924080498_update_time(time: int) -> void:
	game_times.get_child(-1).text = Global.hud.format_stopwatch(time)

func vanilla_2924080498_activate_camera() -> void:
	Global.time_game = Global.time_engine

func vanilla_2924080498__on_player_camera_tween_completed() -> void:
	if Global.current_arena_index == 0:
		%PortalNewGame.deactivated = true
		Global.time_game_start = Global.time_engine
		level_data.level_time = 0

# ModLoader Hooks - The following code has been automatically added by the Godot Mod Loader export plugin.

func _ready():
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 2563180377)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 2679547544)

func _on_portal_hit_detected(destination: LevelData):
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [destination], 1506468663)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [destination], 3818880694)

func _on_game_won(first: bool):
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [first], 2589280301)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [first], 3981843692)

func add_time(time: int):
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [time], 3756891420)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [time], 3887075323)

func update_time(time: int):
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [time], 2683732374)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [time], 730942773)

func activate_camera():
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 1280247806)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 37660317)

func _on_player_camera_tween_completed():
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 3347287027)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [], 1011351538)

As you can see we decided to rename the vanilla functions and create imposters that include the calls to the mod Callables and additional logic we need.


After applying this new found power to Dome Keeper, we hit some performance issues.

Turns out adding a little bit of code to each and all functions in a project has some performance implication. In terms of Dome Keeper it ended up with this:

Luca September 4, 2024 6:43 PM

in dome i have around 100.000 calls per sec to the Mod::call_hooks function

If we think about it, this can happen pretty quickly by adding 2 function calls to every process function in a project 😅

So preprocessing all scripts for a project the size of Dome Keeper is out of the question. But luckily Godot 4 has another new tool to help us.


With the power of ZIPPacker we can create a zip archive that only contains the processed scripts that are needed for the currently installed mods.

This results in the following steps:

Diagram of generating hooks on game start

Sadly we can’t create and load the hook pack in the same go. The Mod Loader does all the mod loading during _init() to allow the extension of autoloads. If we decide to ditch the take_over_path approach completely in the future we might be able to get rid of the required game restart. Processing scripts during _init() of the Mod Loader is not possible because we run into issues with variables declared with autoload props as defaults. These autoloads are not yet available at that point.

I think there is potential to make this work more seamless but this is it at the time of writing 😄 In general I want to note that this is the first iteration and I’m pretty sure we will find improvements in the near future.

Dynamic Mod Hooks Pro and Cons


  • Lower performance penalty
  • If no mods are used scripts are not processed


  • Only works for scripts that are not loaded at the point the resource pack is loaded, that means preloaded scripts can’t be hooked dynamically.
  • Requires a game restart if new scripts need to be hooked

Exported Mod Hooks Pro and Cons


  • Works with scripts that are preloaded
  • No game restart required


  • Can cause performance issues on bigger games
    • Performance penalty can be reduced by marking methods that are called often as unmoddable
  • Scripts are always processed
    • Might require additional testing for potential parse errors on export because of edge cases in scripts.
    • Small performance penalty even for player with no mods


Before we dive deep into the implementation of the preprocessor a quick lock at what the mod author needs know to use the hook system.

In Godot 3.5 mod authors used install_script_extension(child_script_path: String) to “register” modified scripts.

In Godot 4 this changes to add_hook(mod_callable: Callable, script_path: String, method_name: String, is_before := false)

So a very simple mod could look like this:


extends Node

func _init() -> void
	# Add extensions
	ModLoaderMod.add_hook(change_version, "res://game/", "_ready", true)

func change_version(ref: Object, args: Array) -> void:
	ref.version = "1000.0"
  • Each mod hook passes self and the args of the hooked function to the Callable. With that the mod author has the same access as with the 3.5 script extensions.
  • In the example this is used to change the displayed version number in the title screen.


So know that we covered all the surface information, lets dive deeper into the two main components. Starting with the prepreocessor that is transforming the script to something moddable.


Quick overview of what we have to do to transform a script:

  • Replace all vanilla function names with something like vanilla_2924080498__ready()
  • Replace all instances of super() with super.vanilla_method_name()
  • Check if the function is a getter or setter
  • Check if a function returns something and potential return types
  • Get function parameters with and without types
  • Handle function parameter defaults properly
  • Check for inner classes
  • Check if static or not
  • Some additional configurations we added
    • Check if a function is marked as moddable or not moddalbe
  • Create the imposter function with all the information collected

Editing script with scripts

First you can take a full look at the Code in this PR.

To access the plain source_code string of any script you can simple load() it and access the source_code property. From here on out you can do all the String magic you want, from strait up sending it through a full fledged GDScript parser to outer worldly Regexes.

We use three carefully handcrafted Regexes to get all the information we need.

## finds function names used as setters and getters (excluding inline definitions)
## group 2 and 4 contain the xetter names
var regex_getter_setter := RegEx.create_from_string("(.*?[sg]et\s*=\s*)(\w+)(\g<1>)?(\g<2>)?")

## finds every instance where super() is called
## returns only the super word, excluding the (, as match to make substitution easier
var regex_super_call := RegEx.create_from_string("\bsuper(?=\s*\()")

## matches the indented function body
## needs to start from the : of a function definition to work (offset)
## the body of a function is every line that is empty or starts with an indent or comment
var regex_func_body := RegEx.create_from_string("(?smn)\N*(\n^(([\t #]+\N*)|$))*")

Additionally there are some handy reflection methods on the Object and Script Class we can use to get some information about the content. We use get_script_method_list() and use it as much as possible. Sadly it does not provide all the information we need.

At the end once all the processing is done we return the modified string and use it in the export plugin to replace the original script in the exported game or pack it into a zip with ZIPPacker.

Processing the script

If you look at the code the hard of the preprocessor is the process_script(path: String) function. Let’s go through it step by step:

var current_script := load(path) as GDScript
var source_code := current_script.source_code

We load the script and get the source_code as described above.

var source_code_additions := ""

	# We need to stop all vanilla methods from forming inheritance chains,
	# since the generated methods will fulfill inheritance requirements
	var class_prefix := str(hash(path))
	var method_store: Array[String] = []

source_code_additions this is where all the generated function imposters will go.

class_prefix hash of the script path used later to replace the function name

method_store stores the name of methods already processed, this is required because get_script_method_list() returns a full list of methods including inherited ones.

var getters_setters := collect_getters_and_setters(source_code, regex_getter_setter)
static func collect_getters_and_setters(text: String, regex_getter_setter: RegEx) -> Dictionary:
	var result := {}
	# a valid match has 2 or 4 groups, split into the method names and the rest of the line
	# (var example: set = )(example_setter)(, get = )(example_getter)
	# if things between the names are empty or commented, exclude them
	for mat in regex_getter_setter.search_all(text):
		if mat.get_string(1).is_empty() or mat.get_string(1).contains("#"):
		result[mat.get_string(2)] = null

		if mat.get_string(3).is_empty() or mat.get_string(3).contains("#"):
		result[mat.get_string(4)] = null

	return result

Storing all methods names of getters and setter. We don’t want to add imposters for them because it will cause an infinity loop.

Setter / Getter infinity loop
  • The setter is set to the mod hook
  • That will call the vanilla function
  • The vanilla function sets the var
  • The setter is triggered again 🔁
var some_var: set = _set_some_var

func vanilla_2924080498__set_some_var(new_value) -> void:
	some_var = new_value

func _set_some_var(new_value) -> void:
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [new_value], 2563180377)
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks(self, [new_value], 2679547544)
var moddable_methods := current_script.get_script_method_list().filter(
		func is_func_moddable(method: Dictionary):
			if getters_setters.has(
				return false

			var method_first_line_start := get_index_at_method_start(, source_code)
			if method_first_line_start == -1:
				return false

			if not is_func_marked_moddable(method_first_line_start, source_code):
				return false

			return true

Combines all the checks if a function should be processed or not.

  • Is it a setter or getter?
  • Does the method exist in that script file?
  • Check if the function is marked as @not-moddable or @moddable
static func is_func_marked_moddable(method_start_idx, text) -> bool:
	var prevline := get_previous_line_to(text, method_start_idx)

	if prevline.contains("@not-moddable"):
		return false
		return true

	return prevline.contains("@moddable")

The preprocessor can be configured to only process functions that have a comment on top with # @moddable . # @not-moddable can be used to exclude functions, useful to skip _process functions for example.

for method in moddable_methods:
		if in method_store:

Now we start iterating over the filtered methods.

As described above we need to keep track if a method has already been processed because get_script_method_list() returns a full list of methods in the class including inheritance. Meaning if the current processed script overrides a function from a parent class that method will show up two times.

var type_string := get_return_type_string(method.return)

type_string contains the return type of the function, so everything between and :

static func get_return_type_string(return_data: Dictionary) -> String:
	if return_data.type == 0:
		return ""
	var type_base: String
	if return_data.has("class_name") and not str(return_data.class_name).is_empty():
		type_base = str(return_data.class_name)
		type_base = type_string(return_data.type)

	var type_hint := "" if return_data.hint_string.is_empty() else ("[%s]" % return_data.hint_string)

	return "%s%s" % [type_base, type_hint]

It is a bit fiddly to construct the full string based on the data in the return dictionary we get in the method data. We have to take care of custom Class return types and type hints with Arrays (and Dictionaries in the future) for example Array[String].

var is_static := true if method.flags == METHOD_FLAG_STATIC + METHOD_FLAG_NORMAL else false

We can check the flags prop in the method data to figure out if a method is static or not.

var method_arg_string_with_defaults_and_types := get_function_parameters(, source_code, is_static)

method_arg_string_with_defaults_and_types contains everything between the opening ( and closing ) parenthesis. Sadly we can’t construct that string with the method data because everything that is passed as reference (Dictionaries / Arrays / ..) is not stored in the default_args prop of the method data. It is possible that this will improve in the near future.

static func get_function_parameters(method_name: String, text: String, is_static: bool, offset := 0) -> String:
	var result := match_func_with_whitespace(method_name, text, offset)
	if result == null:
		return ""

	if not is_top_level_func(text, result.get_start(), is_static):
		return get_function_parameters(method_name, text, is_static, result.get_end())

	# Find the index of the opening parenthesis
	var opening_paren_index := result.get_end() - 1
	if opening_paren_index == -1:
		return ""

	var closing_paren_index := get_closing_paren_index(opening_paren_index, text)
	if closing_paren_index == -1:
		return ""

	# Extract the substring between the parentheses
	var param_string := text.substr(opening_paren_index + 1, closing_paren_index - opening_paren_index - 1)

	# Clean whitespace characters (spaces, newlines, tabs)
	param_string = param_string.strip_edges()		.replace(" ", "")		.replace("\n", "")		.replace("\t", "")		.replace(",", ", ")		.replace(":", ": ")

	return param_string
  • match_func_with_whitespace() search the function via regex
  • Check if it is a top level function (not inside a inner class) - If it is call the get_function_parameters() function again with an offset to find the top level function we want.
  • The end index - 1 is the opening parenthesis
static func get_closing_paren_index(opening_paren_index: int, text: String) -> int:
	# Use a stack to match parentheses
	var stack := []
	var closing_paren_index := opening_paren_index
	while closing_paren_index < text.length():
		var char := text[closing_paren_index]
		if char == '(':
		elif char == ')':
			if stack.size() == 0:
		closing_paren_index += 1

	# If the stack is not empty, that means there's no matching closing parenthesis
	if stack.size() != 0:
		return -1

    	return closing_paren_index

Hunting for the last )

  • Get sub string between the parenthesis
  • Clean it up and return it
var method_arg_string_names_only := get_function_arg_name_string(method.args)

method_arg_string_names_only is without any types and used to call the vanilla function

static func get_function_arg_name_string(args: Array) -> String:
	var arg_string := ""
	for x in args.size():
		if x == args.size() -1:
			arg_string += args[x].name
			arg_string += "%s, " % args[x].name

	return arg_string

Nice and simple we can just take the use the args prop from the method data to construct the String we want.

var hash_before := ModLoaderMod.get_hook_hash(path,, true)
var hash_after := ModLoaderMod.get_hook_hash(path,, false)
var hash_before_data := [path,,true]
var hash_after_data := [path,,false]
if hashmap.has(hash_before):
		push_error(HASH_COLLISION_ERROR%[hashmap[hash_before], hash_before_data])
if hashmap.has(hash_after):
		push_error(HASH_COLLISION_ERROR %[hashmap[hash_after], hash_after_data])
hashmap[hash_before] = hash_before_data
hashmap[hash_after] = hash_after_data

Lots of hashing going on. The mod callables are store in this format:

var modding_hooks := {
 	1917482423: [Callable, Callable],
	3108290668: [Callable],

The hash allows use to “embed” the script_path and before and after information into one key.

static func get_hook_hash(path:String, method:String, is_before:bool) -> int:
	return hash(path + method + ("before" if is_before else "after"))

Creates the hash that is used as the key of the dictionary. We use a hash to simplify the access to the Callables and improve the performance with it.

var mod_loader_hook_string := get_mod_loader_hook(,
	METHOD_PREFIX + class_prefix,

mod_loader_hook_string contains the entire imposter function as a string

static func get_mod_loader_hook(
	method_name: String,
	method_arg_string_names_only: String,
	method_arg_string_with_defaults_and_types: String,
	method_type: String,
	return_prop_usage: int,
	is_static: bool,
	script_path: String,
	method_prefix := METHOD_PREFIX
) -> String:
	var type_string := " -> %s" % method_type if not method_type.is_empty() else ""
	var static_string := "static " if is_static else ""
	# Cannot use "self" inside a static function.
	var self_string := "null" if is_static else "self"
	var return_var := "var %s = " % "return_var" if not method_type.is_empty() or return_prop_usage == 131072 else ""
	var method_return := "return %s" % "return_var" if not method_type.is_empty() or return_prop_usage == 131072 else ""

	return """
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks({%SELF%}, [{%METHOD_ARGS%}], {%HOOK_ID_BEFORE%})
	if ModLoaderStore.get("any_mod_hooked") and ModLoaderStore.any_mod_hooked:
		ModLoaderMod.call_hooks({%SELF%}, [{%METHOD_ARGS%}], {%HOOK_ID_AFTER%})
		"%METHOD_PREFIX%": method_prefix,
		"%METHOD_NAME%": method_name,
		"%METHOD_PARAMS%": method_arg_string_with_defaults_and_types,
		"%RETURN_TYPE_STRING%": type_string,
		"%METHOD_ARGS%": method_arg_string_names_only,
		"%SCRIPT_PATH%": script_path,
		"%METHOD_RETURN_VAR%": return_var,
		"%METHOD_RETURN%": method_return,
		"%STATIC%": static_string,
		"%SELF%": self_string,
		"%HOOK_ID_BEFORE%" : hash_before,
		"%HOOK_ID_AFTER%" : hash_after,

We use all the data we collected previously to fill out the template and toggle things like static add the self reference or not and so on.

# Store the method name
# Not sure if there is a way to get only the local methods in a script,
# get_script_method_list() returns a full list,
# including the methods from the scripts it extends,
# which leads to multiple entries in the list if they are overridden by the child script.

Here we save the current method name to the method_store to prevent double execution.

source_code = edit_vanilla_method(,
		METHOD_PREFIX + class_prefix

This is the second big part, where we

  • replace the vanilla method name with our custom hashed one that is called by the imposter

  • replace any super() calls with vanilla_func_name.super() otherwise it would fail, the processed parent function name will not be the same. Each function name is prefixed with vanilla_script_path_hash_vanilla_func_name() so it would look like this:

    func vanilla_2625532268_cool_func() -> void:
    func vanilla_3907724230_cool_func() -> void:
    	super() # <- cant find vanilla_3907724230_cool_func
    # fixed
    func vanilla_3907724230_cool_func() -> void:
    	cool_func.super() # <- points to the generated imposter func
static func edit_vanilla_method(
	method_name: String,
	is_static: bool,
	text: String,
	regex_func_body: RegEx,
	regex_super_call: RegEx,
	prefix := METHOD_PREFIX,
	offset := 0
) -> String:
	var func_def := match_func_with_whitespace(method_name, text, offset)

	if not func_def:
		return text

	if not is_top_level_func(text, func_def.get_start(), is_static):
		return edit_vanilla_method(

	text = fix_method_super(method_name, func_def.get_end(), text, regex_func_body, regex_super_call)
	text = text.erase(func_def.get_start(), func_def.get_end() - func_def.get_start())
	text = text.insert(func_def.get_start(), "func %s_%s(" % [prefix, method_name])

	return text
  • Check if the func exists in the script
  • Check if it is a top level func (not inside a inner class), call edit_vanilla_method() again with the regex result index as offset to find the top level function we want.
  • fix any occurrence of super() as described above
  • erase() and insert()
  • and return the processed vanilla function
source_code_additions += "\n%s" % mod_loader_hook_string

At the end we add the imposter function string to the source_code_additions.

This completes one iteration of the loop.

Here is the entire code of the loop again
for method in moddable_methods:
		if in method_store:

		var type_string := get_return_type_string(method.return)
		var is_static := true if method.flags == METHOD_FLAG_STATIC + METHOD_FLAG_NORMAL else false
		var method_arg_string_with_defaults_and_types := get_function_parameters(, source_code, is_static)
		var method_arg_string_names_only := get_function_arg_name_string(method.args)

		var hash_before := ModLoaderMod.get_hook_hash(path,, true)
		var hash_after := ModLoaderMod.get_hook_hash(path,, false)
		var hash_before_data := [path,,true]
		var hash_after_data := [path,,false]
		if hashmap.has(hash_before):
			push_error(HASH_COLLISION_ERROR%[hashmap[hash_before], hash_before_data])
		if hashmap.has(hash_after):
			push_error(HASH_COLLISION_ERROR %[hashmap[hash_after], hash_after_data])
		hashmap[hash_before] = hash_before_data
		hashmap[hash_after] = hash_after_data

		var mod_loader_hook_string := get_mod_loader_hook(,
			METHOD_PREFIX + class_prefix,

		# Store the method name
		# Not sure if there is a way to get only the local methods in a script,
		# get_script_method_list() returns a full list,
		# including the methods from the scripts it extends,
		# which leads to multiple entries in the list if they are overridden by the child script.
		source_code = edit_vanilla_method(,
			METHOD_PREFIX + class_prefix
		source_code_additions += "\n%s" % mod_loader_hook_string
#if we have some additions to the code, append them at the end
	if source_code_additions != "":
		source_code = "%s\n%s\n%s" % [source_code, MOD_LOADER_HOOKS_START_STRING, source_code_additions]

	ModLoaderLog.debug("Finished processing script at path: %s in %s ms" % [path, Time.get_ticks_msec() - start_time], LOG_NAME)

	return source_code

At the end we append the source_code_additions to the source_code and return the final product 🎉


That is a lighter one I promise 😄

The _ModLoaderModHookPacker is used for the dynamic creation of the “mod hook pack”. The mod hook pack is a zip archive that includes all transformed script that are required for the currently installed mods.

Diagram of the hook system flow on game start, with added ModHookPacker step.

Only one function here start():
static func start() -> void:
	var hook_pre_processor =

	var mod_hook_pack_path := _ModLoaderPath.get_path_to_hook_pack()

	# Create mod hook pack path if necessary
	if not DirAccess.dir_exists_absolute(mod_hook_pack_path.get_base_dir()):
		var error := DirAccess.make_dir_recursive_absolute(mod_hook_pack_path.get_base_dir())
		if not error == OK:
			ModLoaderLog.error("Error creating the mod hook directory at %s" % mod_hook_pack_path, LOG_NAME)
		ModLoaderLog.debug("Created dir at: %s" % mod_hook_pack_path, LOG_NAME)

	# Create mod hook zip
	var zip_writer :=
	var error: Error

	if not FileAccess.file_exists(mod_hook_pack_path):
		# Clear cache if the hook pack does not exist
		error =
		# If there is a pack already append to it
		error =, ZIPPacker.APPEND_ADDINZIP)
	if not error == OK:
		ModLoaderLog.error("Error(%s) writing to zip file at path: %s" % [error, mod_hook_pack_path], LOG_NAME)

	var cache := _ModLoaderCache.get_data("hooks")
	var script_paths_with_hook: Array = [] if cache.is_empty() else cache.script_paths
	var new_hooks_created := false

	# Get all scripts that need processing
	ModLoaderLog.debug("Scripts requiring hooks: %s" % [ModLoaderStore.hooked_script_paths.keys()], LOG_NAME)
	for path in ModLoaderStore.hooked_script_paths.keys():
		if path in script_paths_with_hook:

		var processed_source_code := hook_pre_processor.process_script(path)


		ModLoaderLog.debug("Hooks created for script: %s" % path, LOG_NAME)
		new_hooks_created = true

	if new_hooks_created:
		_ModLoaderCache.update_data("hooks", {"script_paths": script_paths_with_hook})

var hook_pre_processor =

var mod_hook_pack_path := _ModLoaderPath.get_path_to_hook_pack()

# Create mod hook pack path if necessary
if not DirAccess.dir_exists_absolute(mod_hook_pack_path.get_base_dir()):
	var error := DirAccess.make_dir_recursive_absolute(mod_hook_pack_path.get_base_dir())
	if not error == OK:
		ModLoaderLog.error("Error creating the mod hook directory at %s" % mod_hook_pack_path, LOG_NAME)
	ModLoaderLog.debug("Created dir at: %s" % mod_hook_pack_path, LOG_NAME)
  • Create a new _ModLoaderModHookPreProcessor
  • Bunch of boring setup work
# Create mod hook zip
var zip_writer :=
var error: Error

if not FileAccess.file_exists(mod_hook_pack_path):
	# Clear cache if the hook pack does not exist
	error =
	# If there is a pack already append to it
	error =, ZIPPacker.APPEND_ADDINZIP)
if not error == OK:
	ModLoaderLog.error("Error(%s) writing to zip file at path: %s" % [error, mod_hook_pack_path], LOG_NAME)
var cache := _ModLoaderCache.get_data("hooks")
var script_paths_with_hook: Array = [] if cache.is_empty() else cache.script_paths
  • We store the path of already hooked scripts in the Mod Loader cache file.
var new_hooks_created := false
  • Gonna need this later.
# Get all scripts that need processing
	ModLoaderLog.debug("Scripts requiring hooks: %s" % [ModLoaderStore.hooked_script_paths.keys()], LOG_NAME)
	for path in ModLoaderStore.hooked_script_paths.keys():
		if path in script_paths_with_hook:

		var processed_source_code := hook_pre_processor.process_script(path)


		ModLoaderLog.debug("Hooks created for script: %s" % path, LOG_NAME)
		new_hooks_created = true
  • ModLoaderMod.add_hook() stores the script path to ModLoaderStore.hooked_script_paths so we can use it here to process the scripts.
  • We send it through the preprocessor and store the generated code in the zip.
  • Set new_hooks_created to true if we did.
  • And add the script path script_paths_with_hook so we can update the cached data.
if new_hooks_created:
		_ModLoaderCache.update_data("hooks", {"script_paths": script_paths_with_hook})
  • Update the cache
  • Emit the new_hooks_created signal - the game needs a restart now before the new mods work.
  • Don’t forget to close the zip_writer .

That’s it!

If you have any questions or just want to chat with fellow modders, join us on the Godot Modding Discord 👍

Kai / KANA

I’m Kai, a software engineer based in Germany. Currently, my focus is on building games, plugins, and addons for and with Godot. Apart from that, I'm web deving since 2018.